Our Directors

Tiverton Almshouse Trust is a charity (registered number 206984).  It has a single trustee which as a company (registered number 08974595) is called Tiverton Almshouse Trustee Ltd comprising 12 voluntary Directors and 10 staff members. 

The Trust is regulated by the Charity Commission and, as a registered social housing provider, our work is overseen by the regulator of Social Housing.  In addition, the Trust is a member of The Almshouse Association and the Housing Ombudsman service.

There are currently 5 voluntary Directors and two Directors who have been appointed by the local Council. We are in the process of recruiting more Directors to fulfill our quota.

The Directors are:

  • Diana Hewitt - Chair
  • Brian Berry
  • Richard Ives
  • John Pulford
  • Roger Stickland
  • Tim Bridger - Appointed by Tiverton Town Council
  • Cllr Leslie Cruwys (Deputy Mayor) - Appointed by Tiverton Town Council

The Directors meet as a board four times a year. The Board will also convene on a needs basis to further discuss or agree urgent governance, finance or risk matters.

Directors are recruited through a process that follows the Charity Commission’s best practice guide.  A Director’s term lasts five years (apart from the town councillors who are appointed every four years) and re-appointment can occur subject to an interview and vote.

If you are interested in becoming a Director or volunteering in any other way with the Trust, please contact us on 01884 251444 or ceo@tivertonalmshouse.org.uk.
