Guest Room bookings
We are delighted to announce the return of our guest room bookings.
Greenway Gardens and John Greenway Close both have a dedicated and fully furnished guest room which is for the sole use of over night guests that are visiting residents on site.
Each room comes with two single beds, a self-contained en suite, 32″ television along with tea and coffee making facilities. Clean sheets & towels will be supplied on arrival .
Please read the information below prior to making a booking:
There is a nominal charge of £30 per night which is a contribution to the upkeep of the room, linen change, and facilities. Payment to be made by bank transfer once we have confirmed your booking. Our bank details are detailed on the booking form. We are unable to accept payment by cash or cheque. |
Guests can stay between one and six nights (meaning seven days maximum). |
The maximum number of guests allowed is two adults over 18 years of age. |
The Warden will greet the guests personally unless off-duty when a key will be left with the resident being visited. The same system applies to keys being returned. |
Smoking is prohibited in the guest room or on our sites. |
Guests must stay on the same site where the resident being visited lives. |
Guests will be expected to respect the Trust’s property and to leave the accommodation in the same condition in which they found it, ie clean and tidy. |
The fire procedure is displayed on the back of the door. |
Guests should not arrive in the Guest Room before 2pm and must leave before 10am on the morning of departure |
Guests must occupy their room quietly and with consideration to other residents. |
Guests will be given relevant site information. Guests must make sure that all communal doors are closed shut behind them at night and always remain conscious of site security |
Linen and towels will be provided on arrival but will not be changed or laundered during your stay. |
No toiletries will be provided, and all toiletries should be removed by the guest at the end of the stay. |
Guests are not permitted to use the laundry room. |
Guests are not permitted to use the communal kitchen. Tea and coffee making facilities are provided in the room and local amenities are within walking distance. |
With the exception of assistance dogs, no pets are allowed in the guest room. |
There is no parking on site for guests. There are public car parks and/or on street parking close by. |
Visitors are requested to carry out a Lateral Flow Test 24 hours prior to their visit and alert staff if, during their stay, they have a positive test for Covid or are experiencing any unexplained respiratory concerns. |
We cannot accept responsibility for loss or theft of personal items or damage to personal possessions during your stay. You are advised not to bring any valuable items with you. We reserve the right to refuse to accept reservations to use the guest room. |
Cancellations made up to 48 hours prior to your proposed stay will be refunded in full. |

To make a booking:
Please either download and complete the form below or obtain a copy of the booking form from the Warden on site. Once complete, the form must then be passed to the Warden for the site you wish to stay and the Housing Manager will then be in touch regarding your booking.