Tiverton Almshouse Trust has 85 almshouses. Most are located on two warden controlled sites within the town at:
Greenway Gardens, King Street.
John Greenway Close, Gold Street.
We also have three flats within a property known as Slees on Angel Terrace. Slees is not warden controlled but the other two sites both have a warden responsible for their own sites. Each warden is on duty every weekday morning. The Warden calls or visits each resident every weekday between Monday to Friday to ensure all is well. Our wardens can be described as “good neighbours” but they cannot provide any personal care. Each warden is on duty from 8.00 am to 12.30 pm weekdays only and at all other times, each flat is linked by pull-cord to a 24hr emergency call centre where the operators receiving any call will have access to all relevant information such as telephone numbers of next-of-kin. The operators will also be able to call the emergency services if required, the Housing Manager, Wardens and our maintenance contractors.

We offer a variety of accommodation: studio flats, one-bedroom flats and two-bedroom flats. The two main sites each have a community room, guest bedroom with en-suite, a laundry room and a chapel. Many activities are organised by residents or the warden and on most days something is planned. These range from coffee mornings to fish-and-chips, knit-and-natter to chair exercises. Special occasions also warrant activities such as Christmas lunch, carol singing and teas, often organised by our wardens. Whilst there is a strong community feeling on each site, there is no pressure to join in with community facilities if a resident would rather not.
Residents occupy their flats as beneficiaries of the Trust and pay a Weekly Maintenance Contribution. This contribution is not rent, but a contribution paid by residents towards the upkeep and maintenance of their dwellings. The weekly Maintenance Contribution varies depending on the type of accommodation offered but is between £100 – £132 per week. In addition, a weekly Utility Contribution is made for heating, hot water and water supply (except for residents of Slees who are responsible for all utilities). As a result, residents of Greenway Gardens and John Greenway Close only have to pay their own bills for electricity and council tax. All our Weekly Maintenance Contributions are at, or below, Equivalent Fair Rent levels meaning that, for those residents eligible, Housing Benefit will pay or contribute to the rent.
Additional information of interest:
Our flats are decorated to a high standard and the Trust provides floor coverings, however they are unfurnished and residents are responsible for insuring their personal contents against loss, theft or damage.
Our sites are close to local amenities and the Town centre. Please be advised, there is no on site car parking available. There are locations near to our Almshouses that may provide parking at a cost to the resident.
Aerial equipment is provided to enable residents to access digital television. There is a facility to connect to satellite services but residents are responsible for their own contracts with any satellite provider.