Have your say

The Tiverton Almshouse Trust is committed to providing an excellent service to residents, staff and the general public. Complaints are seen as a positive way to improve services for the benefit of everyone we work with, support or come into contact with.

In the first instance, all complaints, whether verbal or written, should be made to the Warden or the House Manager. If the complainant is unhappy to contact the Warden or Housing Manager, a complaint can be lodged directly to the Chief Executive.

All written complaints will be acknowledged within five days and the Trust aims to complete any investigations within 14 days.

Complaints Policy

All complaints will be examined in line with the Trust Complaints Policy.

Complaint Handling Code

The Housing Ombudsman has a Complaint Handling code which was published in March 2022.  The code aims to ensure fair and effective complaint handling, promote a positive complaints culture and to embed complaint learning.  The Housing Ombudsman provides more information on their website about the new Complaint Handling Code which you can access here
